Our event would not be possible without the contributions and expertise of our partners.
Companies and organizations are invited to share their unique products, skillsets, and technical insights through interesting and inspiring demonstrations, each of which will take a unique form specific to its subject matter. Possibilities are limited only by imagination: a team of computer engineers who teach children to program robots, camera drone pilots offering a drone flying exposition, social media experts partnering with teenagers in an interactive, real-time documenting exercise, or architects guiding children through a team-build of a low-cost, resuable structure.
Designers, welders, machinists, engineers, painters, hobbyists, skaters, photographers, makers and creators of all kinds are invited, along with their colleagues, to get involved.
We are also actively seeking partnerships to provide in-kind donations, shared resources, and financial support.
We welcome any company or organization interested in being involved to be in touch. Please use the form linked below to share with us your interest.
Download Partnership Form
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